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Presentation from Boundary Commission to West Suffolk

29 June 2018

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Please find attached a presentation that was delivered by the Boundary Commission at a briefing for all parish and town councils on the electoral review process.

Read more on Presentation from Boundary Commission to West Suffolk

PCC Public Meeting & Newsletter

29 June 2018

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Please find attached the new SNT newsletter for June 2018. I have also included details of the PCC public meeting that will be held on 12th July 2018 at The Newbury Community Centre. Please can I ask you to spread the word regarding the meeting on any notice boards or social media accounts or pages that you have.

Read more on PCC Public Meeting & Newsletter

March Bradfield Night Event CANCELLED

28 February 2018

Due to the weather and poor forecast it has been decided to cancel the BN event scheduled for 2nd March.

Read more on March Bradfield Night Event CANCELLED

Change of date for March Parish Council meeting

28 February 2018

The date of the March Parish Council meeting has been changed from the 7th to the 14th.

Read more on Change of date for March Parish Council meeting

Emergency Road Closure - C695 Hollybush Corner

28 December 2017


From 28/12/17 to 01/01/18 C695 will be closed from 340m East of Hollybush Corner junction for 45m eastbound to facilitate repairs to the water main. Diversion route will be via Freewood Street, Church Road and vice-versa. 

Read more on Emergency Road Closure - C695 Hollybush Corner

Emergency Road Closure Notice - Little Welnetham, U8049 Staion Hill

5 September 2017

I attach for your information, a copy of the Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice - U8049 Station Hill, Little Whelnetham (Emergency).

Read more on Emergency Road Closure Notice - Little Welnetham, U8049 Staion Hill

Parish Councils Report - August 2017

2 September 2017

Dear All
Please find attached my report for august. 
The only 2 things that have become available since in was written are 
* The newly built Eastern Relief Road between Rougham and Moreton Hall has it's official opening on the 25th sept. 
* Details of the Spread Eagle road improvements can be found in my face book link below. 
 (I think I have forwarded details of his already).
Apologies to those parish councils that meet on the 4th -7th September. I am away during these dates.  
Karen Soons LL.B (Hons)

County Councillor
Thingoe South Division
Barrow cum Denham, Chedburgh, Horringer cum Ickworth & Rougham with Rushbrooke.


Read more on Parish Councils Report - August 2017

Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Broadband - August 2017

30 August 2017

Subject: Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Broadband - August 2017 
Rural Broadband Newsletter 
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Rural Vulnerability Service


Better broadband - and the lack of it - is the focus of this newsletter from the Rural Vulnerability Service, brought to you by the Rural England Community Interest Company and the Rural Services Network in association with Calor.

The Rural Vulnerability Service disseminates information about key rural issues.

Rural businesses and communities continue to face challenges in terms of broadband, with some villages taking matters into their own hands in a bid to get adequate connections.

The topic has rarely been bigger or more pressing.

Read more on Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Broadband - August 2017