The Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner will be out and about again this year standing in high streets and market places across the county engaging with Suffolk’s residents. I have pasted the programme of the ‘on tour’ visits below which we would be very grateful if you could share with your constituents as appropriate.
The Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore launches his 2017 series of public meetings in each of the 18 Safer Neighbourhood areas. The meetings are an opportunity for the public to ask questions of the PCC and the Constabulary, and to find out more about policing in the county. Each meeting will involve a quick overview from Tim Passmore and the local Superintendent and then the public will have an opportunity to ask questions. The local Inspector responsible for policing in the local area, will add operational context.
A Suffolk Highways project to improve traffic flow and the safety of road users in Bury St Edmunds will begin today (Monday 5 June 2017).
Read more on Highways improvements on Bury St Edmunds double mini roundabout get underway
Temporary closure of part of C695 Holybush Corner (12th May - 16th May 2017) outside No.13 for emergency pipe repairs. See uploaded PDF.