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Annual electoral canvass 2017

24 July 2017

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Press release

20July 2017


Return the form so you can vote


77,000 households in West Suffolk are being asked to look out for their annual household enquiry form, which is being posted out today, allowing them to vote in future elections.

The electoral register is updated every year and it is a legal requirement to complete and return the form to ensure that everyone who is entitled to register to vote is able to do so. The form is pre-printed with the current details held for that address and for the majority of households completing it simply means checking the information is correct and updating any details that need to be changed. This can either be done online at www.householdreponse.com/westsuffolk or by putting the form in the reply paid envelope for posting.

Households are asked to return the form by 4 August, so money isn’t wasted in sending them reminders or asking canvassers to call.

Ian Gallin, Electoral Registration Officer at Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury councils said: “In particular we are encouraging anyone who has recently moved address to look out for the form because we know that recent home movers are far less likely to be registered than those that have lived at the same address for a long time.”

If you are adding new people to the form, they must register on the following website: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. Until this is completed they won’t be registered to vote.

Further information about the annual canvass can be found on www.westsuffolk.gov.uk/annualcanvass and residents who have questions can contact the elections team for West Suffolk by calling 01284 757131 or 01638 719366 or emailing elections@westsuffolk.gov.uk